
We service and repair all makes of machines in the shop and offer on-site servicing and repairs to Schools & Colleges throughout Scotland.

For those of you that have not used Pembertons before to look after your machines, I take this opportunity to inform you that we have accounts with ALL of the leading makers and have access to parts and training unlike some other companies. In our workshop we have over 6000 spare parts to ensure the prompt repair of your machines. All our work is guaranteed. Service charges are in accordance with the SMTA guidelines.

Please note that currently we are unable to service & repair industrial sewing machines and multi needle embroidery machines which we have not supplied.

Certain Bernina and Singer embroidery machines may need to go back to their UK base due to warranty restrictions and we are happy to advise.

Dropping off machines to the shop

We are in a pedestrian precinct, however you can drive down friars street before 11am and after 4pm to load and unload. Out with these times there is a loading bay at the top of the street in Baker Street and at the bottom of the street in Barnton Street. Short term parking is available in both of these streets and longer-term parking is available at either the Rainbow Slides car park, off Baker Street in the Dalgleish Court Car Park or in Maxwell Place. The Thistle Centre car park is a 10 minute walk from the shop. The excellent Park & Ride is also convenient for the shop.

Service collection points

We are grateful to the following companies for agreeing to act as collection points for us as shown below. Please note that machines delivered to these collection points need to be returned to the same location. Please note that there is an additional collection/delivery charge of £10 (£5 each way) from this collection point.

We collect & return every two weeks from:

The Dress Fabric Company
38 Bruntsfield Place
EH10 4HJ
Tel: 01312 210 464
OPENING HOURS: Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat, 11-5.30

Buttons and Blethers
Unit 15A
Elgin Industrial Estate
KY12 7SN
Tel: 01383 747 884
OPENING HOURS: Mon & Fri 10-5, Sat 10-2

This Little Stitch
66 Scott Street
Tel. 01738 718933
OPENING HOURS: Tues-Sat 9.30-5

Gold Thimble
70 Coustonholm Road
Tel: 07720 887 925, 07710 683 304
OPENING HOURS: Mon, Tues, Thurs 11 - 3.15, 4.15- 5.30. Wed & Fri: 11 - 2.30, 3.15-5.30 Sat: 11 - 5.30

The Auld Atelier
9 New Street
Tel: 07988780337
OPENING HOURS: Mon & Thurs: 11.30 - 6. Wed & Fri: 9 - 6. Sat: 10 - 4.30.

Nest Creative Spaces
47 Wellmeadow Blairgowrie
PH10 6ND
Tel: 01250 710495
Shop opening times; Tues to Sat 10 - 2.

2024 Collection/ Delivery dates

January: 9th, 23rd
February: 6th, 20th
March: 5th, 19th
April: 2nd, 16th, 30th
May: 7th
June: 4th, 18th
July: 2nd, 16th, 30th
August: 6th, 20th
September: 3rd
October: 1st, 15th, 29th
November: 12th, 26th
December: 10th